How to become a notary
The figure of the notary is a very ancient profession,
extremely renowned not only for the earnings that derive from it, but above all
for the importance it occupies in relation to the stipulation and registration
of various kinds of contracts, such as those of real estate, or for the opening
a will .
There are many questions that can be asked in relation to
the notary's work: what exactly does he do ? How much do you earn ? How does
one become a notary and at what age ? Are there any notary schools or is it
possible to try this career even with a degree in economics?
In this guide we will illustrate the path to take to become
a notary and we will try to give exhaustive answers to the questions just
Become a notary - Index
Studies to become a notary
The requirements to carry out the notary practice
How the public competition works
Written test
Oral examination
What happens to those who pass the competition
How to become a notary - Frequently asked questions
Studies to become a notary
As you can easily imagine, to undertake a notary career it
will be necessary to enroll in Law , a single-cycle degree course, which lasts
5 years .
At the end of the course of study there will be a period to
devote to the notarial practice, which will have a total duration of 18 months
. Only at the end of the apprenticeship it will be possible to participate in
the public competition , which is generally announced every year.
Although it takes several years and one must necessarily
pass the competition, that of the notary is a very interesting profession, as
well as being particularly profitable .
become a notary
The number of notaries that may exist on the national
territory is neither random nor unlimited: it is in fact established by the
Ministry of Justice to ensure that there is an adequate distribution throughout
the country.
There is a real ministerial table , which is updated every
three years and which depends on the following parameters:
the number of inhabitants of a given territory;
the quantity of business for which the notary public is
absolutely necessary;
the specific characteristics of the place.
The requirements to carry out the notary practice
We have said that it is not possible to aspire to become a
notary with any type of degree, but it is necessary to obtain a degree in Law .
The notary is, in fact, a man who knows well the law, especially that of
family, commercial or corporate law.
At the end of the course of study, graduates who have
studied Law at an Italian university (both public and private), or at a foreign
university for which the qualification obtained is considered equivalent , will be able to carry out the 18-month
internship .
You can be an Italian citizen or a citizen of one of the
Member States of the European Union . The steps to proceed with the notary
practice are as follows:
first of all it is necessary to identify a studio where you
can practice ;
it is then necessary to enroll in the Register of
practitioners at the local Notary Council .
Every 2 months the trainee will be obliged to present a
certificate signed by the notary where he is carrying out the traineeship in
order to certify its effective development.
The officials of the judiciary and already qualified
lawyers also have the possibility to become notaries : in their case the
practice period will last 8 months .
become a notary
How the public competition works
Given the fact that the notary is a public official of the
state, it is not surprising that to become a notary it is necessary to pass a
public competition , which is announced by the Ministry of Justice.
This competition takes place every year and those who have
completed the notarial practice within 45 days of the publication of the
relative announcement can participate . There is an age limit beyond which it
is not possible to take part in the competition to become a notary, which is
equal to 50 years.
The public competition to become a notary includes a
written exam and an oral exam : each candidate has at his disposal only 3
failed delivery attempts, which will no longer have other possibilities to try.
Written test
The written exam consists of 3 theoretical-practical tests
in which the candidate will be required to write:
two live acts, in the field of civil and commercial law.
Oral examination
As regards, instead, the oral exam, the candidate will be
questioned in civil, commercial and voluntary jurisdiction law, as well as on
the provisions relating to the organization of the Notariat and notarial
archives and those concerning indirect taxes.
The commission that will evaluate the evidence of the
aspiring notary will be formed by a magistrate of the Cassation.
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